Question on Harliquin Tusk...


I have a 125 gallon FOWLR tank. I want to add a Harliquin Tusk. My fear is that it will eat my Green Mandorin. Does anybody on this forum have experience with a Harliquin Tusk living in a tank with a Mandorin?


he should be fine with a maderin...harliquin tusks are real mellow fish the seem to mind there own bissuiness


I asked the LFS what they were feeding him. They said Dried Krull, brine shrimp, and Gold fish once in awhile. Well, I didnt like the last answer! Gold fish are hard on saltwater fish insides right? Plus I thought this would make him want to attack little fish in my tank?


man gold fish is one of the worst things ytou can feed salt water fish for those reasons gold fish are more fat than they are meat so there not nutritous for your fish and they can teach your bigger fish to eat your littler ones so you were right on both of those.


So what do you think. Pass on this one. But who knows what they feed them before the fish store gets them?


Active Member
if you want to shell out the money go for it! Im 95% positive he will leave your mandarin alone....they are gonna be in two different areas of the tank.


if you didnt already get him the one at my work that my dad purchased was living with a manderin and they got along fine so maybe that will help


No I didnt get him yet. But thanks for letting me know. I am looking at getting a different one from a different LFS.


Well, I went to a different LFS and picked up the Harlequin Tusk while it was still in the bag. I put him in my tank. He seems to be doing alright. He is just hanging behind the rock all day and night? I put some Krill and special blend square stuff for triggers and wrasses. he has not eaten anything as of tonight. Is he just adjusting or should I try something else to feed him? Any suggestions on food that they like the best?


Well, I went to a different LFS and picked up the Harlequin Tusk while it was still in the bag. I put him in my tank. He seems to be doing alright. He is just hanging behind the rock all day and night? I put some Krill and special blend square stuff for triggers and wrasses. he has not eaten anything as of tonight. Is he just adjusting or should I try something else to feed him? Any suggestions on food that they like the best?