Question on jelly fish in Tank? FO...


Hello everyone,
my ? is i had bought a jellyfish about 4" radius (sm) and it had swam up to the filter suction and hence it's no longer present in the tank:-( yet, the real question is that if it will have an poisonious effect on the rest of the tank mates.
Tank Size: 47 gal
Tank Filter: hang-on side bio life 55-
other end Whisper 4
no protien skimmer (on the way)advice!~!~
3 pieces of live rock aprox... 10lbs
CC bed 3"-4"
Tank mates :
1 Med Grouper
1 Med Lawnmore Blenny
1 Sm-med Stripped Damsle
1 Sm Pinapple Trigger
a few reg sand crabs
Anyone with advice on this please input. Thank You :)


from what I've heard they can be pretty dang bad for your tank when they die. That's just what I've read from the internet though.
I dont think so, IMO jelly fish are extremely difficult to mantain, they are 98% water, so any small drastic changes in water could have killed it easily. how long did you have it?


this has nothing to do with your jellyfish but i noticed you have a grouper. How big is it? Mine is about 5-6" long and seems to eat most small to medium damsils i put in there. He is well fed, krill and about 8 goldfish a week. Maybe mine is just mean?:mad:


I appricate the response thank you much..
Eelfreakrobi- the jelly fish was great until got sucked up the filter tube and only a tenticle was left of him. (filter type-whispher 2)hang on
Jpucci- As far as my Grouper it is about 4-5" in length , yet not really sure on it's type... it isn't a panther for sure just recently got him changes color with environment and stress. :(
In reference to my tank, ..... ?.... I do you think that i should raise the salinity up higher than 1.028 or keep its normal at 1.022-23?
thinking of adding calpura to the bed to help cycle? yes/ no/ maybe.?!~!?
thanks again


New Member
I'm curious where you got one. I'd love to try a jellyfish tank. I read an article years ago about the jellyfish craze in Japan. They used special tanks with low flow filters to keep them and they weren't kept with any other tankmates. I've never seen one in an lfs. I've seen thousands of them in San Diego bay so I'd think they wouldn't be that hard to keep. That's one dirty harbour.
It doesnt matter now but didnt the pinapple trigger harrase the jelly fish constantly just wondering. Sorry about ure loss jellyfish are really cool