Question on Mushrooms


OK last week i got my girlfriend a few shrooms for her Nano tank. They are not really smooth looking like some of the ones ive seen. They have small bubble tips all over them in kinda concentric circles. Is this a hairy mushroom? If so how do we feed it. WHAT do we feed it. Its attaches to a coral fragment that has two other shrooms of the same type on it. I dont have a digital camera yet.. but hopefully that will help some. The color i think is green with brown roughly where all the bubble tips are. The main characterisitic of it however is its not smooth like alot of the mushroom pics ive seen here.


It looks like the first picture (Searcher's), of course not exactly. The bumps are not that large and of course the color is differant. But it definitely doesnt look like the other two at all.


I've seen mine (the first pic) sold as both a rhodactis (hairy mushroom) and ricordea. However I'm pretty sure it's a "rhodactis indosinensis" from the picture in my coral book.
I feed mine various frozen foods including: mysis shrimp, squid and krill. It seems to prefer the squid. It also eats food that the fish drop.
Additionally, I'm pretty sure it eats pods that walk on it at night.


Active Member
That's funny, cause the first picture of searchers and the second picture of mine are both hairy mushrooms :D sounds like you've got a hairy though, you can spot feed it by putting a lil meaty food (i use plankton) near it's mouth every now and then.