question on my reef


hi i just wanted to know what ya think about my tank? also best way to get ris of red algae? and how to get rid of my air bubbles thats in the pic from sump/fuge

kevin j

What kind of water do you use for water changes and top off? is it tap? You should be use rodi. What kind of movement do you have? What are the levels in your tank?


i use a water purifier. it works great and i have 3 power head in the left of my tank on at the bottom in the back one in the front and on in the middle and also the opther side i hava pvc pipe with maybe 700gph of flow
Just wondering , What kinds of x-tra nutrients are you referring to? I am battling cyano in my 3 yr old reef. I added new PH's because I figured maybe the old ones were not performing at their best, changed my bulbs to new ones and I am tying to feed my fish less often. I also, added more a fresh clean up crew.
So, Long story short, Old Tank, new problem, dont get it?
Thanking you kindly, Kim


They sell Red Slime Remover, I don't remember the brand but it was about $18 for a tiny container, it worked great and can be used with anything. As far as opinion nice so far, but you need more rock.



Originally posted by GregM779
They sell Red Slime Remover, I don't remember the brand but it was about $18 for a tiny container, it worked great and can be used with anything. As far as opinion nice so far, but you need more rock.

never never put medications into the display, especially when remidies like rodi/ and increased water movement are viable options..
kim you say your tank is 3 yrs old... not to beat a dead horse but do you run a dsb? if so it might be time to replace some sand.. it sounds like metals are bulding up in it and leaching out.. algae are the only things that absorb these metals... hence you get a algae bloom...
Yes, my tank is 3 yrs old.... I have a 5" DSB..(shallower in some areas due to the ph experiment) I knew you could add to it. Thats what you mean right? Put it on top? Or take out half and add half?
Do you think I should maybe add a couple of bags of LS??
I could do that. What do you mean a build up of metals?
Thanks for the help, tell me what you think I should do.. Cuz I'll do whatever I have to do to stabilize it. CYANO is Pi$$in me off.. Grr
Thanking you kindly, Kim


dsb's to alot of people me included, are sink holes. when a dsb in new it is a exporter (it consumes all the waste), once it gets old and saturated it becomes a importer( to your tank)... but i really dont want to start another heated debate over dsb's. the best way to beat unwated alage it to export all nutrients. heavy flow to keep deterious from settiling and heavy skimming!
now if you take out half of your dsb just be ready to get the most putrid smelland have a seperate tank to house corals and fish for a few because the nasty stuff that comes outa there will shock ya! my new tank is going to be barebottom useing starboard. its a material used to make baitwells on fishing boats. heavy flow, a skimmer rated for 2 times the tank volume... basically the only maintence il have i siphon out what ever settles once a week! nothing more besides usual top off and water changers...
Sounds FUN! Okay.
What if I syphone some out and slowly add the new with a funnel. I shouldnt have to move anything OUT of the tank, just move it around where I can. Some of my corals have spread over the whole top of my left rock formation, so I cannot or dont want to attempt to move it.
Can I do some this week and some next week, in total then replacing half of the bed? I have alot of life in that bed and kinda dont wanna lose it all.
Maybe I can use the OLD sand for the base of my new DSB in my nano? Just maybe a 1/4 of it. Would that be OK or am I promoting outbreaks in the new tank? Im thinking the life would live in my new tank, unless destroyed during cycling.
QUESTIONS, questions, sorry BUT BIG THANKS for the info,