Question on possible SW feeder fish


If I got some adult mollies that were allrdy acclimated to SW, and I got them to breed in a SW tank, would they're babies(born in SW) be alright to feed to my lion? :confused: :rolleyes: :confused:


I am not 100% positive but I believe the answer is still no. They still have the same biological make up which is to fatty and doesnt contain the right nutrients


what can you raise yourself in a salt water tank that would be good as feeder fish?


Active Member
Kev... I occasionally feed my peppermint/camel shrimp. I know it's not fish, and not as cheap as I'd like but they still make a nice treat for my lion. I get them at my LFS for about $3.50 ea. I feed camels once a month or so... I feed frozen (silversides) twice a week.
I have been looking for a live food option for my eel for a long time... never with satisfactory results. I think it's just one of those things... you either cough up the money for cheap damsels/shrimp, or you feed frozen. I don't think there is a good, affordable way to feed live regularly.


Check out ghost shrimp. There are very cheap, no more than $0.50 a piece and are natural to the ocean and fresh water. Working at a LFS For many years, I loved feeding these shrimps to all the preditors, it was just like my diving expierances seeing fish act like wild fish.
Downside, they wont provide the best nutrition and you will have to continue to give other foods
Downside, IME once you get a fish/eel hooked on live food again, it is hard almost impossible to get them back on frozen and friez dreid.
Also, do a search on the mollies, I remember someone in the new hobbiest posted a thread with succeful breading in saltwater.


I use acclimated mollies for feeding all the time and I breed them here too. I've been told that the mollies actually do better in saltwater than freshwater and originally they were saltwater fish.
I feed live brine alot also, but I buy those, don't breed them.


but what other type of fish can you raise in salt water that would make good feeders?


If you live near the ocean, you could always buy live saltwater bait fish or shrimp. They are cheap and of the right nutritional value.....BUT, as others have said, they will make your fish more aggressive and it will or can make them unwilling to eat frozen foods which (to me) are much easier to deal with. And of course, you still have the possibility of transmitting disease.