question on protein skimmers


i got a cpr bak pak 2 protien skimmer and dont get me wrong i have read all the instructions and everything that it came with but i dont understand how it works. my waste container first gets filled up with bubbles which turned to water then the waste contatiner is full then bubbles just keep comein into it and then the water gets dirty, i changed twice a day. but is bubbles only supposed to be in the waste container or is it spposed to fill with water then get dirty.


Active Member
You'll need to adjust the rubber O-Ring up or down on the collection cup so the bottom of the cup is about 1/8" to 1/4" down into the water level in the bubble chamber.
If the collection cup is too deep in the bubbles, you'll get a very wet foam skimmate, and the collection cup will fill too fast.
This produced poor quality skimmate and is not good.
If you have the collection cup positioned too high in the bubble chamber, you will get no skimmate at all.
Look at these pics - this is how I have mine set up right now and it's working well.
Sorry they are so big ....
If you'd rather you can check them out at
<a href="" target="_blank">bakpak pics</a>



Also make sure that you don't have the air tube opened up too much. That will cause too many bubble also...or at least thats what my skimmer does.