Question on replacing stock pump on an AP 24 with a Maxijet


New Member
I am going to replace the stock pump in my Aquapod 24 with the Maxijet 900.
When I do the swap, the out take outlet on Maxijet pump is smaller the the stock pump out take outlet. Which makes the the tubing supplied with the Aquapod too big a fit over outlet. Should I just buy a small clamp to attach it to the Maxijet?
Anybody that has made the switch, please let me know what you did to resolve that issue.
Thanks in advance.


Go to a local home improvement store and buy the correct size tubing. Or see if you can get a small length from a local hobbyist. Use zip ties to secure the tubing onto the MJ as well as the little outlet that goes into the display. The old tubing won't work...I tried.


New Member
What I did do is bought some cheap plumbing o rings to put on Maxijet outlet, fit tubing over that (snug fit) and used two plastic wire ties and tested it and it seems to hold without no leakage.
I am going to work with that for now.
Thanks for the suggestion.