Active Member
I just bought a rock of Xenias today with like 8-9 xenias actually attached.. at the store they were full and beautiful. I drove home with them (like 4-5 mile drive) and tried to be extra careful not to let them fall over in the bag or anything.. im quite sure of my handling methods of them. I then placed them in the water.. didnt like the placement of them cause they were flopping around too much due to being directly in the path of a powerhead. So moved them again and now they are flopping around just slightly.. but they are not as full as when they were in the pet store. I know that when you buy corals it takes some time for them to fully come out... but so far in my experiences I havent had a coral take 8 hours to come out. All of the xenia 'hands' are all 'clapping' wildly.. but they are shriveled up and small compared to when they were in the fish store. My question is... am I just being a worrie wort and I need to just wait it out longer? Or did I maybe damage them in some way... or have I possibly placed them in a bad area (too much flow?)?