Question on Stocking a 75g fish-only tank


New Member
I have kept three freshwater tanks for a number of years. I'm finally going to take the plunge into Saltwater...
It will be a 75g fish-only aquarium. Tentatively (and it changes every day), this is what I intend...
1 - Regal Tang
2 - Percula Clowns
1 - Flame Angel
1 - Black Cap Gramma
3 - Banggai Cardinals
Is that too much? Is there room for anything else? (I know, err on the side of too little, but...I have to ask.)
By my calcs, 6" for the RT, 6" total for the 2 clowns, 4" for the Flame, 4" for the Gramma, 9" total for the Cardinals = 29" of fish give or take.
(I plan to cycle with some Damsels which will be returned to the store after the cycling is complete.)


Active Member
The tang will grow larger than 6 inches and is a very active fish. Your tank is not suited to one long term. Swap out the tang for a nice fairy wrasse and you'll have a great set-up with fish you can keep for the long haul.
Why not cycle the tank with your live rock instead of damsels, that may or may not survive and are very difficult to catch/remove.


New Member
Originally Posted by nicetry
The tang will grow larger than 6 inches and is a very active fish. Your tank is not suited to one long term. Swap out the tang for a nice fairy wrasse and you'll have a great set-up with fish you can keep for the long haul.
Why not cycle the tank with your live rock instead of damsels, that may or may not survive and are very difficult to catch/remove.
I've read all of the great benefits of Live Rock, and that's what I plan on using, but how do I go about doing that? I understand I shouldn't put the entire amount of LR in at one time. Correct?