fla. keys

I have a serious problem and ALL suggestions are appreciated.
In my 125 gal. I have been using kalkwasser and one or two times I must have used too much because there is a WHITE FILM COVERING ABOUT 50% of the glass on my tank and this includes the front glass.(All-GLAGG TANK).
I have tried to use a sponge, a scraper brush and yesterday I even tried using a razor blade-carefully to not scratch the glass.
Is there any solution to getting rid of this white film that seems imposible for me to remove. Pretty sure it is a calcium residue that has adhered itself to the glass...
HELP!!!!!!! :eek:


Active Member
If it is calcium residue try to lower the calcium in the tank by doing water changes or adding buffer only and the calcium shoud go back into solution.

fla. keys

are you saying that by just not adding calcium for a while that the stuff on my glass will eventually wear off?
I want to be able to view my tank and right now I cant see inside because of the white film.
If anyone knows how/technique to use to get the white film off or an additive I can use that will not hurt my live rock?


Chech you levels first!
Then decide if it is from an elivated calcium level or not.

fla. keys

If the white haze on the glass is NOT calcium what might it be?
Secondly, Lets assume it is calcium from over kalking, How do I get it off the glass. I am telling you it is not coming off. Will it eventually disolve itself off the glass or is this permanent.
Lastly, will a razor blade scratch the glass?


Try using Kent Marine plastic blades. Unlike the razorblade, you'll be able to apply the necessary pressure to even remove coralline algae without scratching your glass. Good luck.