Question Re" Hippo Tang"


ok here is my question i been wanting to buy my self The Blue Hippo Tang, but i been reading that hippo tang and the yellow tang dont get along and that my lola >> yellow tang.. will hurt the hippo tang when i introduce him to my tank... my fish tank is 50gal.. SO has anyone had any experience with them two togher or those anyone have them 2 togher...


I don't recommend it in a 50g. The Hippo will get big fast.
The Yellow should be the last Tang introduced to a system. Very agressive.
Your tank-Your choice
I'm not one to knock people for what they stock.
I've made mistakes in the past & corrected them.
Live & Learn
Good Luck


Active Member
There may be some initial squabbling but the two fish normally have no compatability issues. In any closed system, the addition of another fish causes some stress. This is more evident with larger fish being introduced. I would discourage you from adding a hepatus tang to your tank. These are active fish that need lots of lateral swimming room. This fish will be cramped in your tank and given their predispositon to parasites and other health issues, stressing it is only going to compound the problem.