Question re: limewater


Active Member
Ok, so I've been told that I need to top off with limewater. So far, I've only topped off with RO water. I have a 125G reef and I mix up my RO water in a 26G trash can in my garage. I keep the can full and simply pump out whatever top off water I need into the display directly using an external sump pump and vinyl tubing. My question is how to I mix this tank up with limewater? What do I need to use and how much of it?


Active Member
I've heard both... I was told to just use limewater (kalkwasser) if needed, and I've also heard that it is best to add it routinely. My thought is... limewater is calcium hydroxide - thus you're virtually adding calcium and alkalinity. If you aren't adding these nutrients otherwise, then it's a good idea to do it routinely. I use Kent Tech CB parts A&B - thus my ph, carbonate hardness, and calcium remain stable without adding Kalk. I've used kalk before, and it did the same thing... but I've heard that Kent does this better... I don't know...
Anyway, I mixed it 1tsp per 1gal. So 1 tsp of CaOH per 1 gal RO/DI...
Just to let you know... it leaves a ton more residue in your container, so you'll have large white rings in your trash can.
But I've also been told to use the mix within 24-48 hrs after mixing, thus I'm not sure how that would work with you pre-mixing your top off water...
any other thoughts from those of you that use it regularly??