Question regarding Chocolate Chip Star


New Member
My chocolate chip star has these white spots all over the top of him, where the "chips" are....should I be concerned???


New Member
for some reason it won't let me post the picture, but they are about 1 cm in lenght, and at around the horns that look like chocolate chips


New Member
well....i called my LFS...and they said that he was in meltdown...but didn't say if I could do anything...
what could be causing this if I've had him about April 20th?


Meltdown, wtf are those idiots talking about. :notsure:
What fish are living with it? If you have puffers, triggers, or more aggressive fish, they may be nipping at him.
I have never heard about meltdown, but who knows. How are the tank params?



Originally posted by Calbomb17
I've had him about April 20th?

What does that mean? You've had him since April 20th of last year???
Shrink your photo using "paint" and you can post it.


Active Member
A picture will help -
What are your specific tank parameters?
What do you feed it? Is it still eating and behaving normally?