Question regarding Water Changes


Would topping off water every other week (3-5 gallons) be considered the same things as a water change?
My guess is no. But can someone clarify?



Originally posted by paulcoates
Would topping off water every other week (3-5 gallons) be considered the same things as a water change?
My guess is no. But can someone clarify?

Your right they are not the samething. I would top off every other day to keep the SG from jumping, especially if your topping off 3-5gal!
Water changes are taking the water out and putting fresh SW in usually a 10% change weekly is better than 20% bi-weekly....


I thought that 20% ewater changes monthly was the right way to go. My tank has been setup for for about 6 weeks now and I have just been topping off. I'll go home tonight and do a 20%



Originally posted by paulcoates
I thought that 20% ewater changes monthly was the right way to go. My tank has been setup for for about 6 weeks now and I have just been topping off. I'll go home tonight and do a 20%

Only do a water change if it's done cycling....... and you can do 5% water changes weekly instead of the 10% it depends on all that you have in your tank....


I have a 55 gallon. Right now, I have a BTA, Condi, 2 Occelaris, Lawnmower Blenny, 2 Yellow Tail Damsels, 25 snails, 2 Emerald Crabs, 3 Blue Legged Crabs. I also currently have 40 lbs of live rock with another 70 lbs coming this week


With 110 lbs of live rock in a 55 gallon, I would venture a guess and say my tank is more like 40-45 gallons of water



Originally posted by paulcoates
With 110 lbs of live rock in a 55 gallon, I would venture a guess and say my tank is more like 40-45 gallons of water

With that much LR, it will certainly help your Bioload out. I'd start out with 5% weekly and see how that works and if needed then go to 10%



Originally posted by paulcoates
oh yeah, I have a 400GPH power head and an Emperor 400 in there also

Might want to add another PowerHead and eventually get a Proten Skimmer for your tank.
I have on my 55gal and Emporer 400, 2 PowerHeads and an AquaC Remora Skimer with surface skimmer and bubble eliminator.


I can easily get another Power Head and stick it in the tank. I am not sure I fully understand the importance of a protein skimmer. What animal or organism produces the protein crud? And consequently what happens if you dont get rid of the protein? How much is a protein skimmer? And can they be placed underneath the tank in the storage dept?


I have AquaClear PHs also.
Protien Skimmers are powered by a pump that constantly shoots tiny bubbles up an enclosed shaft. when the bubbles reach the water line of the shaft, it causes a foam that rises up over a collection cup. the bubbles collect the nasty stuff out of the water. when the foam busts over the collection cup, the nasty stuff goes into the collection cup, where you can remove it.
Think of it as the ocean hitting the shoreline and the foam it creates. That's the natural skimmer for the ocean.
Protein skimmers run from $50 to $200. I recommend an AquaC Remora or a CPR BakPak both are in the $130-160 range. They Hang on the back of the tank. But you could do a sump setup in your stand, but that would be more expensive.
If your planning on doing coral, then I definatley would recommend you getting a skimmer. For a Fish Only some say that it's optional.


Always check your salinity before you add fresh water. You're also losing salt crust when the level goes down and once you add a skimmer you'll be pulling out some saltwater too. If the salinity is where you want it just add premixed saltwater.


Put a glass cover on that tank! Call your local glass place and they'll cut you a piece for about twenty bucks. You're evaporation will go down considerably.:)



Originally posted by Jazzfish
Put a glass cover on that tank! Call your local glass place and they'll cut you a piece for about twenty bucks. You're evaporation will go down considerably.:)

From the picture it looks like that there is 2 glass canopies on the tank.


They are actually two plexiglass canopies that are open in the back (for the filter to hang on to). I probably lose 2 gallons a week, not 3-5 like I reviously stated


I can't stand glass covers on tanks of any type...especially if you have MH's or other high wattage bulbs. Glass traps in stuff that you want out of your tanks. Just live with the evap. and top off.