QUESTION TO the EXPERIENCED! - I am switching from 30 gallon to 37 gallon...


I just got my 37 Gallon, can I simply set up new tank, transfer LR, and Sand and water from established 30 gallon???
Can I leave the Fishes in there while I transfer the sand? Or will it disrupt the biological growth and the water conditions will harm my inhabitants? --- and can I Place the fishes in their same water or do I have to wait a day or so


Active Member
is it a dsb?
if so what i would do is get a container and fill with old tank water and move all the rock and sand over to the new tank and fill with new water (ASAP) so that you dont have any die off.


u mentioned dsb in my other thread... um.. what is that?
I am thinking of
1. filling my new tank with 1//2 the water from my old tank,
2. removing the LR and placing it in my new tank,
3. fill with 1/4 new clean water..
4. scoop out most of the sand
5. then catch the guys out of my tank after a couple of hours (so old and new
water is mixed and warmed to temperature)
6. then filliing New tank with remaining 1/4 old water (new fishes in new tank)
now, the sand will cause a spike right?
will this spike be dangerous for the fishes and star fishes? because of the biological growth?


Active Member
dsb= a deep sand bed 3" up
the sand if it is a dsb will probably cause a spike that is why i suggested putting the fish in a container for like a day or until after you verify there are no immediate spike which is the most dangerous part about the sand. If you make sure that you dont leave anything alive (that includes live rock and the sand) out of the water for more than an hour then you wont need to cycle again.


Ah hah!! Duh.. Should have known..
My DSB is about an 1" to 1 - 1/2 inches.
Hey, I probably could move some old water into the new tank 1/4th, move sand, rocks, fill with new water and then check water values for any spike. Circulate a day then place more water then check levels again -- then move fishies right?
shouldnt the spike occur within 1/2 hour or less? if it spikes - i recheck later and if it comes down, then I can probably move fishes -- I'm thinking.. tell me what you think!
How long have you had your SWF tank?


Active Member
about 2 1/2 months and so many problems thus far. But nice surprises too like 5 jawfish!

so if i understand what you are saying then you mean leave 3/4 of the water in the 30 and put the 1/4 in the tank. There are a couple of problems i believe with that like
1) when you move the sand probably most of the bad stuff will be left in your old tank with the critters and
2) i dont think 7.5 gallons is enough to cover the live rock.
what do you think?


I would have real concern with moving the old water to the new tank,
New water, move LR and sand, watch the lvls in your old tank it may spike because you left alot of stuff in there from the sand, Let things cycle for a few days, and monitor both tanks, then bring the fish in!
I know that makes for a longer move, and not being an expert by any means, Just think caution will be a reasonable plan!
Good luck!


I appreciate your help in bringing up important points. I think I will start the new tank, 1/4 old water and 1/2 new water. Put the LR in it, and cycle it for a few days. catch my critters in a few days and then move the sand. Test water then put critters in if they are okay.
Unless someone else has any other opinion??????????????


See thats what I was pondering on.. If I take their sand out -- either way it will possibly spike the water!
BUt I do have a quarantine tank, but maybe I will start with the damsels..!!
:notsure: :scared:
I haven't ever used it yet, been cycling for about a month!!
well, I could place same water in a clean container and leave fishes there?? but I dont want to leave them in there overnight!
When a guy at the LFS cleaned the display nano out, he placed clowns, shrimp and rocks, old water in container and the next day placed the fishes back in Nano. It all survived!

:jumping: :happyfish