

What could I put in a Hexagonal 35g tank? I'd like a snowflake eel or lion or puffer. Or would that shape not be good for any?


A 35 gallon is too small for eels, lions, and other aggressive fish.
Do you plan to make this tank a fish-only community or a FowLr or a reef?? More info, and I'll be glad to help.


I'm guessing from reading your two posts here that you are new to the hobby. You will get lots of good info here but I strongly encourage you to READ READ READ before you get started. You will save yourself a lot of headaches later on.
The problem with a hex tank is that the shape means less surface area. Less surface area means less oxygen. So you can't put as much livestock in a tall tank as you can in one that's short and long.
I agree both of those fish are too big for a 35 hex. In my 35 hex I had 2 clowns, a gramma and a shrimp, along with 55# of LR. That worked great.
Hope that helps.


I've been reading for over a month and I will be until September, which is when I plan to actually start this. Thats why I have all these questions, so donttt worry. This board has helped a lot. Anyways though I'd like to get a lion or puffer or eel, or some combo, what size would you reccomend? I'd probably just start off with FO.


you could keep a dwarf or antenna lion, a snowflake eel, and a puffer in a 75...
but like others have already posted, keep reading. I research for over a year before i setup my tank and it has saved me so many head aches, not to mention $$$


I just need to find a good price for a tank setup. Only reason I said hexagonal earlier was because it's cheaper, but if there are disadvantages I'll drop that idea. So I'm just gonna keep lookin for now.


I think Pet Club in Dedham has some decent prices on tanks. It's the rest of the stuff (skimmer, filtration, lighting, heating, powerheads, live rock, live sand...) that will get you!
BTW don't buy your LR from there.


I have a 35 hex that has been up and running for about 2 years. There is a royal grammas, six line, fisheri angle. and a cbs. Because of a small surface area i have put a wood air stone in the bottom of the tank and have a power head at the top to give it anought water movement. I don't have any live rock, I have been thinking of putting a small skimmer in but the room for it is a factor. You can make a hex set up work, you just need to make sure you have enough water movement. You can not put the fish you mention in that small of a tank it would do harm to the fish. Good Luck