


Since I havent gotton a response in the equipment forum I will try here.I just purchased a Magnum 350pro system (has 2 bio wheel hook up on it) Was wondering if after it has been running for awhile if I can take my penquin bio wheel off. Before I got this I was using penguins one with two wheels and one with one wheel a borrowed hot magnum and a borrowed seaclone skimmer. I have a 55 gallon fish only tank. Will my new magnum 350 and my seaclone (just got it today also) be enough foor my tank. In my tank I have a spotted grouper, a small huma trigger, a lunar wrasse(whose name is wrasshole name explains him) and an undulated trigger. a few hermit like crabs and 3 or 4 emerald crabs. I know I need to let the bacteria build up on these new wheels just wondering if they along with the skimmer be enough. LFS says I should keep both of them going regardless. Wont hurt I know just takes up a lot of space. Plus anyway to use these on a sump?


I posted a similar question recently and was told two things. To leave both filters running for at least a couple of weeks to get the bacteria built up in the new filter. And when taking the old filter out try to drain the old filter media into the new one. Hopefully, one of the more knowledgable members will have more info for you. :p