

New Member
YOu guys think its ok to put a Clown Trigger, Queen Trigger, and a Bursa Trigger with a 4inch imperator juvenile angel?


New Member
you guys think its ok to have a dogface, foxface, 3 triggers, a juvenile imperator and maybe a lionfish in a 125gallon


Most people would not agree with me but I think you could get away with 3 triggers, a puffer, a foxface, and a juvi emp angel. Not for their entire life though and not the three triggers you picked. The clown and queen triggers either need thier own tank or a very large (300+) aquarium. They are extremely aggressive, territorial, and get very big. Also, lionfish don't go well with triggers and puffers. Even though some people have pulled it off, the odds aren't in your favor. You should pick from the more passive triggers if you are planning on having such a heavy bioload and cramped environment. Niger, blue throat, pink tail, sargassum, lei are a few good ones. Bursas aren't bad either, just not as passive as those I listed.
You need great filtration, lots of liverock, and a good skimmer. Good luck! :happyfish