

I just got my 150gal, predrilled. I set it up today. I had trouble finding the stuff i needed. I ended up buying the only flex hose I could find for the drain to my sump. I attached it with a little conecter piece. The hose does not have a flat serface on it, so the water leakes out around the ridges. (I tested it before filling up my tank with water) I put some cauk inside the hose to seal the little gaps. Will that be safe for my fish if I wait for it to dry?


Regular builders silicone has arsenic in it to prevent mold growing on it. Arsenic does not discriminate. It will kill anything. I would not use builders silicone on my tank. If you look in the paint section at the depot they have small tubes of aquarium silicone near the jb weld and other epoxy's.