

New Member
Just a quick question my sand has a reddish color on the bottom of the fish tank. It looks like Algae but I am not sure can anyone tell me what it is. Also I want to know is it healthy.


Active Member
Hi, Welcome to the forum.
To answer your question we probably need a little more info.
Is the algae like dust all over the rocks and substrate, or more like a slimey mat?
How long has the tank been set up?
What are your water parameters?
Do you have LR and LS?


New Member
The reddish looks like red dust. Salinty is 1.024 ph 8.2 temp 80degrees LR/LS the tank has been set up 1 1/2 years. Also I wanna identify these new soft corals that i don't know their name. I need to find out how to attach pictures to my post. Thanks for quick response.


Active Member
Sounds like diatom algae, it is usually only a problem in newly set up tanks. Have you added anything recently? What are your readings for Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH, Alk, and Phosphate.
Do you use some form of purified water or do you use tap water?
To attach a pic, scroll down and click browes on the attach file part, then you can just pick a picture as long as it is in jpeg and is not too big and it will attach it to your post.


Active Member
to attatch pics just click the browse button on the bottom of the posting window, it can only have so many pixels/resolution though. I usually just use the lowest qualty setting on my camera and it works fine. BTW - have there been any changes to your system lately? Maybe changed lighting, etc?


New Member
The only thing I have added which is new is a bunch of cleaners (30snails,20hermit crabs,2 brittle stars) I think after adding these cleaners i started getting the reddish algae. Is it harmful?


Active Member
No adding a cleanup crew shouldn't bring on an algae bloom unless it caused your parameters to go out of wack. What type of lighting are you running and what are the kelvin ratings on your bulbs and how old are your bulbs, and if you can tell me your water parameters and if you are using RO/DI or tap water.


New Member
Salinty is 1.024 ph 8.2 temp 80degrees LR/LS the tank has been set up 1 1/2 years. The lighting is 3 -40watt VHO and I use tap water. And also the reddish is on a small patch on the bottom of the tank.


Active Member
That looks more like red slime algae (or cyanobacteria) to me, it will continue to grow and turn into these sheets of slimey stuff and cover everything. Do a search on cyanobacteria or red slime algae and you will pull up a ton of posts but here are my suggestions.
1. if you have not changed your light bulbs then it is probably time, I think VHO's should be changed at least yearly.
2. increase flow in tank, cyano will not grow where there is good water flow
3. I would really recommend using RO water, tap has so many bad things that just feed types of algae.
4. Test for Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and Phosphate. This will help tell you where some problems might be.
5. You should not feed more than every other day.
6. Start fixing problem right away, by doing water changes and sucking as much of the stuff out of your tank as possible.
Cyano is actually a type of bacteria, but it feeds off of the nutrients in the water, I suppose it is possible that you some how introduced it with the addition of your clean up crew.