Questions about cureing live rock


Ok I've got a couple of questions:
when buying from a lfs how do you know if liverock has been cured?
what kind of damage will putting uncured lr in your tank right from the lfs do?


the easiest way to tell if the live rock has been cured is by the smell. if it still smells like dead stuff, its not cured yet. if you put uncured live rock into your tank, you will likely cause a cycle as things die off as they inevitably will. if you have any fish in there they will be at risk. if the tank is new and there are no living critters or fish yet then you are in good shape. live rock is very beneficial to the cycle.


Active Member
Excellent questions!!
first - no rock is really "cured" rock, some is jsut better than others. Before I answer this obvious question...
Second - if oyu have an established tank adding more than 5% in weight of live rock to an establihed tank (2.5 lbs piece of uncured LR to a 50 Gallon tank) the tank will recycle. It may only have a slight cycle or it may completely recycle itself, so be ware!!
Back to the first - if your tank has not been cycled, inspect the LR for dying tings and scrape off and just add the LR, turn the lights off and keep the power heads running. watch the ammonia and nitrite levels
ammonia will spike and then nitrite will spike and when both are at zero you'r ready to add some hardy animals. I'd suggest some astrea snails and some hermit crabs. add small amounts of frozen fish food to keep the hermits eating and the tank bacteria developing and after about three weeks add some fish, preferrably somethig like clown fish.


the lr at my lfs is in a tank by its self w/ some arrow crabs and some sponge and thats it and it dosent really have any smell to it
and it all has lots of good growth do you think that its safe to put straight into my tank i already have a false perc and a royal gramma
also if it will cause the tank to start cycleing again how do i add lr and keep my fish alive?