Questions about lighting and canisters


Active Member
I'm still a little ways out on the 180g reef... But I can't look at this smaller tank anymore without actually doing something with it and figure I should play around with a smaller tank before setting the big guy up. Just went to LFS and picked up a compact 36inch 96 watt dual bulb with moon lights, is this enough for a Q tank, pretty much a fish only tank. I was going to underplumb the 75g tank but decided to skip the hassel, no overflow... I'm going to go ahead with 2" sand bed, LR and dual canisters. The guy at TLFS said I should run carbon in one canister and filter media in the other, I'm really confused as to what to use the canisters for....How much live rock to start? I think I've got my water turnover just about right with power heads and canisters.
75g seaclear tank
96w compact light
2 power heads
2 fluval canisters
2" sand bed
RO water

nm reef

Active Member
I think the equipment you have will be fine for a lightly stocked community fish type set-up. For LR I'd go with close to 1 lb pr gal....sand is optional. I like the use of LS personally but lots of folks do fine without it. In your canisters I'd run carbon and change it out if there is a need for other medias they can be used for them later.


Active Member
Would I be better off going with a wet/dry or maybe adding a 20g fuge instead of the canisters and increasing my powerheads?


Active Member
most people with a reef tank remove the wet/dry filter and go with just a fuge. The wet/dry will collect nitrates, as opposed to the fuge, which will EAT the nitrates. The fuge will also remove co2 and produce oxygen for your tank.


Active Member
this smaller tank will not be set up as a reef, fish only and is more of a Q tank, thats why I was think of going with the wetdry.


Active Member
sounds like a monster of a qt! wish i had one that big.. will it be strictly qt or do u plan to keep some stock in there at all times?