Questions about making saltwater with RODI unit


Active Member
I need advice on making saltwater with my new RODI unit. I have been having a 90 gallon saltwater tank for the last 4 years and am upgrading to a 180 gallon in 2 weeks. I have been buying 4 five gallon containers of saltwater at my LFS for this time about every three weeks for water changes....I could not carry 8 containers for each water change for 180 gallon tank so I just purchased the RODI unit and have a lot of questions.
Should one keep the trash can full of RO water all the time with a float switch and take daily top off water from this so that the unit gets to run a gallon or two per day off of it? Or, is it ok not to have any water running through the RODI unit for three weeks between water changes? Does the water in the unit go bad if it sits stagnant in the unit for three weeks? I have a RODI unit under our sink in the kitchen for drinking water that could be used for top off.
Lastly, the water that comes from the city has a lower ph of around 7.2 and I know that saltwater for a fish tank needs to be a lot higher than this. Do most salt mixes correct this problem? or does one need to add a buffer? Which buffer? Also, just tested the ph from our RODI unit under the kitchen sink and it has a ph of about 6.2. I purchased a jar of stuff called Kent Marine Osmo.Prep Marine that is suppose to be a buffer for RODI water. Is this a good one to use for a fish only live rock set up? It has calcium, magnesium and potassium....will using it make the levels of these elements too high? Or does it matter? Or should I use some other thing to buffer like baking soda? Should one wait to add buffer until the saltwater made from the RODI unit has been mixing a day or two before checking ph? What happens if the ph goes too high? I am clueless here. The whole ph and carbonate hardness thing has me confussed.
Thanks, Lesley

mx mr bean

if u have the space then keep a trashcan filled with RO/DI water and let it top of a gallon or two a day. this will keep ur membrane hydrated and it will also give u emergency water at hand. u can let ur RO/DI sit dry but if it is more than a month u dont want ur DI cartridge's resin to dry out or your membrane to dryout. ur best bet is to let it top off the trash can.
unfortunately i cant help u with the Ph. to tell u the truth i never even thought about the Ph difference. ill have to test a batch of it to find out how close it is to my tank. If its far off lke ur town i would suggest buffering it with a liquid buffer (Not sure which brand is best tho).

mx mr bean

well i just tested my RO/DI water and the Ph was far lower than my tank's. I also tested a fresh batch of saltwater i made for my water change tomorrow and the Ph is about 8.2. Apparently my Salt product buffs the Ph
. FYI I use Instant Ocean Reef Crystals by Marine Labs. Its pretty good quality.
now for regular top of water i guess we should buff it with a Ph buffer if i find a good product i will let u kno tho im not sure adding a mere gallon or two in your case, would affect a 180 Gallon tank too bad but its always less stressful to add water as close to ur tank water as possible (as u kno).
Because RO/DI water is so pure i like to add a few squirts of Aragamilk. If u are not familiar with this product it buffs calcium and alkalinity, and adds some trace elements.