New Member
Ok guys, I'm about to move into a new house and it looks like my dream of having a large tank(240g or larger) may finally come true. I DEFINATELY want an epaulette shark and a sting ray, plus I plan on moving my snowflake from my 55g. He's about 2.5 feet. I have a few other fish ideas, but don't really know what kind of bio-load a 250-300g tank has to offer after the inhabitants I've already listed. I plan on getting the best wet/dry filter, protien skimmer, and UV staralizer I can find and with that in mind, how much room would I have after a large tang(unicorn or naso as long as they wouldn't pick on the ray) were added? I would love to add a couple of lookdowns or a lionfish if possible. Any other suggestions?
Also, what would be a suitable cleaning crew? Crabs and snails if they are big enough? What about a big blue spiney lobster? I know eels like to snack on them, but I've read that they can grow to about 15 inches, which would be an awfully hard pill for my snowflake to ever swollow.
Thanks a lot for the help! I just ordered Scott Michaels' book, and was curious in the meantime.
Also, what would be a suitable cleaning crew? Crabs and snails if they are big enough? What about a big blue spiney lobster? I know eels like to snack on them, but I've read that they can grow to about 15 inches, which would be an awfully hard pill for my snowflake to ever swollow.
Thanks a lot for the help! I just ordered Scott Michaels' book, and was curious in the meantime.