questions about nano tank fish and skimmer


im trying to get a 15gal nano tank for reef and couple fish, do i need a skimmer or a pump+wet/dry filter will be enough? how about a chiller? my room temp is around 65-68F (dorm)
also, for my nano tank, i want couple clownfish, and some corals. anyone think i should get a cleaning crew? if so, could anyone give me a list of names for a good nano cleaning crew?
thanks very much


I never used a skimmer since it was such a small tank but other hobbiest have known to use one. I would probably buy couple of astreas snails and 1 or 2 turbo snails.


It doesnet sound like you will need a chiller, but the skimmer is always a good idea. I think they are very beneficial. I have one on my 24 gallon (an aqua c remora) and I have been amazed at all the gunk it collects. In my nano, I have 2 clownfish and a bicolor blenny. I also have 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint shrimp, snails, hermits, and emerald crabs.
For your crew, maybe a cleaner shrimp, a few hermits, and emerald and some snails.


Might avoid the emerald if you go with corals. They have a chance of likeing to eat corals. Might want a nassarus (i forget the spelling) sand shifting snail. I like having a skimmer on my 15 don't use or need one on my 5 gal.