hey ive been offered to buy a niger trigger from a friend, its only about 5cm big but its a really good price, im just wondering if itd be a good idea gettin it wen the other fish in my tank are goin to be a pair of clowns, six line wrasse fire goby and a shrimp goby. i got a pic for u all to see.
how big is the tank it is going into? what inverts are in the tank? can i ask what the price is, since niger triggers are fairly inexpensive anyway? nice lookin' fish and tank by the way.
the tank is only 24g i know its small for a trigger that can grow fairly big but ill find a better home for it once it starts getting too big, im paying 20 australian dollars for it and they usually go for about 46-50 dollars
I have both a Niger and Picasso trigger in one of my tanks and if you put any inverts in with them don't get attached to the inverts. Mine are fairly well behave and have great personalities but even a "nonaggressive" trigger is still a tough fish.
I say if you are planning on upgrading your tank to accomidate a large trigger go for it! They are very entertaining to have and relatively easy to keep.
Originally Posted by brstwv
what about a niger and picaso w/2 lions and a porc. puff. and zebra eel?
i wouldn't mix those specific triggers with lions. the same goes for the puffer.