Questions about stocking 50g


Hi there, i've had a SW tank for about 2 years however about 6 months ago i had to down size from my 75g to a 50g corner unit. Tank is well established, I don't normally have any/many problems. I have about 75lbs LR, and a good 4" of sand bed.
Anyways, question is I curently have a Midas Blenny, a Dart fish, and a small Porc puffer (about 2-3inc). We are looking to add some fish, and are looking for some really colorfull ones to add.
Fish I am looking at:
Neon Dottyback, Flame Angel, Pseudochromis - Diadema, Pseudochromis - Strawberry or Royal Gramma
I Would like to add the Flame and hopefully 2 of the others, however i'm not 100% sure if this would be fine or too much. Also want to know if I could mix any of the others besides the Flame as they are some what closley related.
Flame Angel, and the Neon Dottyback would be my 1st picks, out of the other 3 which could I or should I add.
Any help would be great, just want to make sure my fish are happy!! :happyfish

darthtang aw

Active Member
Ok, since you are down sizing you are actually hindering the amount of fish you can have. Also, with the puffer in there you have to keep in mind it will eventually eat the smaller fish.
Personally if you want to add some of the other fish I would get rid of the puffer.


I've had him the the 50g for 4 months and to be honest he is very mild mannered, i've had no issues at all with him picking on my other fish. I do realise I'll have to upgrade to a bigger tank (i already have a 75 in storage that i'll use when I move into a larger home) however he is only 3" so I know he should be fine for some time. I'm going to pass on the flame angel for now and am going to look at adding 2 black and white clowns, a magenta dottyback and a Blue Bar Pseudochromis. Anyways thanks for the reply's. If anyone else has any imput feel free to leave some. -Robert