Questions, Ask me? As I'm it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
if you could be any insect what would you be???
can you do the river dance???
do speak any foriegn languages???
Spanish, no I can't riverdance, but I've done the bottle dance in fiddler on the roof before for a musical I was in in highscrewal.
If I were a bug I'd be the beetle from the mummy.
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Is your wife still mad at you?
How many shades of pink are in your wardrobe?
Ever woke up in a barn and got scared?
No, at least I don't think she is. I was nice this week.
umm none no pink. well I do have a red plaid shirt that is on a white base that kind of looks pink from far away.
Well actually, I used to work for my uncle and he had a big barn with a build in office. And ontop of the office was a giant box (like 8 feet by 8 feet) filled with packing materials like peanuts and foam. And directly blowing into that box was an AC vent. So on lunch I'd eat a sandwich on the Kubota then run up there and take an hour long nap in the peanuts. So well I've slept in a barn many times.
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Better question is have you ever woke up in a barn and not been scared ? ? ?

Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08

What's the most interesting thing you've seen all week?
spiderwoman's pompoms
Originally Posted by ruaround

did you forget about this thread... INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW!!!
do you know what product had the tag line "plop plop fizz fizz"???
what about "wheres the beef"???
No, I didn't forget, however tomorrow I'm going fishing all day so I won't be on
alka seltzer (I had to use google to figure out how to spell that.)
Where's the beef was jack in the box right? No probably wendy's. yeah wendy's is my final answer.


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Active Member
1.Whats your favorite color? Blue
2.Do you have any kids? nope
3.Are you married? yes
4.Are you a vegetarian? Why
5.Do you like comedy shows? ok
6.Do you watch late night comedy shows? no
7.Whats your favorite fish? Covered
8.Whats your favorite corals? in my tank a hammer
9.Whats your favorite invert? fireshrimp
10.Who are you going to pick next? ...
11.Do you like Quails? Do you like Chickens? both taste great
12.Do you like Ducks? yummy
13.Do you like coffee? yummy
14.Do you like to read? yes
15.What does this sign mean? <3 you pic
16.Do you like Obama?

17.Whats your favorite food? seafood
18.Which do you like more? Reef or FOWLR? FOWLR
19.Do you like garlic? in food
20.Do you like sports? yes
21.If so, what kind? baseball, nascar and football and golf
22.What happened to CFR and Guapo? I know but can't tell...
23.Were you ever abducted by aliens? nope
24.Do you like beef? where's the beef
25.Whats the worst thing that's ever happened to you? well it depends
26.Whats you best thing that's ever happened to you? buying my fishtanks.. oh crap getting married.
27.Which one would you pick over the other? Spots and beer OR all meaty/man foods?(option 2 does not include beer or sports) I'm confused spots of what
28.Do you like to write? sure
29.Whats your real first name? covered
30.Do you like trees?huh
31.Whats your favorite music/song? texas country bob wills is still the king
32.Do you like music? yes
33.Have you ever fallen off a house? no
34.Whats your favorite car? jeep CJ
35.Do you like this banana?
36.What are your opinions on the CPR bakpak 2 skimmer?

37.Do you like clownfish? no
38.Do you even have a saltwater tank??2
39.If you do have a saltwater tank, can you post pictures? use the search function
40.Do you like seafood?yes
41.Whats your favorite movie? action movies
42.Do you like action movies?see above
43.What was your favorite subject in school? economics
44.Do you like people? only the smart ones
45.Do you like this thread?yes
46.Do you hate Darthtang AW for picking you? no
47.Where were you born?El Paso
48.Have you ever farted in public and then everyone was looking at you?yes
49.Have you ever burped in public?yes
50.Have you ever picked your nose in public?yes
51.Have you ever seen the Eiffel tower in real life?no
52.Whats the worst injury you ever had?concussion
53.Have you ever been in a car crash?no actually
54.Do you own motorcycles?no
55.Do you hate me for asking so many questions?I'm making my voodoo doll now...


Active Member
31131122112221 have one 1 in the first line, so the second line is one 1.
You have 2 ones in the second line so the new number is two one
You have one 2 and one the new number is 1211.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
11131221133112132113212221 have one 1 in the first line, so the second line is one 1.
You have 2 ones in the second line so the new number is two one
You have one 2 and one the new number is 1211.
this makes no sense... arent you missing numbers in a few lines???
what kind of beer did you take with you on the fishing trip???
did you catch anything other than a buzz???