questions for multiple tang owners

mr. limpid

Active Member
I have read on another thread if you roll up the sheets like a cigar the clip holds it better, I have tried it and it works. I have cut my sheets into 1/4's and put in four clips so they all don't fight over the one. All my tangs havbe there own special spot to eat.


Active Member
I by my seaweed from an Asian store called it is CHEAPER that way. But my tangs that I had Blue Naso Yellow Sailfin and my Angles would take a sheet that was sized for Sushi and rip it to shreds in about 2 mins or less. Heaven forbid I spoiled them and gave them fresh alage which I did every now and then that stuff was like throwing a Pizza to a Weight Watchers meeting. Ever seen 1/4 of cheato go Bye in 10 mins I did all the time when I fed it to my old tank.


I put in half a sheet yesterday and for the first time the Sailfin left some. I took out a 1" by 1" peice that nobody ate(well the butterfly was peaking at it but just making a mess)
I guess I'll stick to a little less then half a sheet.