Questions on New Addition

salty james

I purchased last week a 2" blue (hippo) tang from the LFS for $20. I currently have him in my QT with my Perc. Clown (4"). He is eating the SW select, and getting along with the perc.
Does anyone see any problems with putting him into the main tank with the current inhabitants ? (after he has been QT'd for two weeks)
Any information on care would be appreciated.
Thanks for the help & advise

tru conch

Active Member
i dont see any problems, the only fish that may even give him trouble is the angel, but that is doubtful. the only fish that harrased my hippo was a yellow tang.


I do not see any problem with that but be carful you are going to be tight in that tank once the fish get fully grown.


New Member
Hippos are awesome fish! My fav! If you could i would wait till maybe a little bigger he might get picked on by the clown.If he is bigger let him rip.


That's really cool. I have a Queen Angel, Clown, and Cleaner, and I am considering a hippo or purple tang. At my lfs you can get them about 1-2 inches. It will be cool to watch it grow. :cool: