Questions on skimming/lighting?


Active Member
1. What is the general rule on running multiple skimmer on the same system? Do they have to be the same skimmer along with the same pumps? I have a extended MR2 that is working great, but my old skimmer, a 30" nautilus skimmer, stopped working the minute the larger one came into play. Any ideas or suggestions. I have fairly large amount of water and don't see the MR2 doing it all.
2. What do you all think of running different wattage MHs on the same display? For instance, running 250W on the sided where corals almost reach the top, and running 400W on those deeper areas? Has anyone ever done this and what did they think of the coloring?


You should run larger skimmer rather than two small skimmers, they will not operate in conjunction as effeicent. Your larger is working better, the smaller one isnt helping much at all
It depends on your taste, yes people do run different wattage and also different Kelvin. Its what you like, if you like it , it works.