Questions on TRANSFERING TANK to tank...


If you've seen my other thread you know that I have a crack in my 90g tank. It's at the top and it's not leaking, but I think I need to prepare for the worst.

I am probably gonna just buy another 90g and transfer everything over. This is not gonna be fun. I'm really happy with the way the tank looks with the corals/ the rockwork is just the way I want it.
I have about a 5-6" DSB (~200 #s) with 140#s of rock. I have LPS coral and 7 Fish (Copperband, Perc, Firefish, Scooter, Greenbanded / Eviota / and Yellow Clown Goby).
I have rubbermaid buckets for the transition. Now, can I reuse the water from the tank I'm transferring? or would it be best to just use some of it and mix up new water?
will the tank recycle? if it does, it probably won't be for that long. I'm concerned about keeping the fish alive in the rubbermaid containers for an extended period of time.
I have a feeling that the biggest pain is gonna be transferring the sand. This will not be fun. And this will probably cause the mini-cycle when I transfer it.
I guess what I'm looking for is for anyone to share their experience with transferring tanks. Can anyone tell me what to expect ? or help me think of things I may not have realized.


The sand is going to be the biggest pain. You can use the water, I would and then do a 20% water change after the dust settles. I would then add my livestock if all your water parameters are good.
good luck!