questions questions


:help: ok i'm just starting out in the process of putting a check list together. we are making our own sump out of a 30g tank is this big enough for 100 mt? i have some glass for my baffles can anyone tell me as to what steps i should set it up for the media and which kinds of media to go with ie....skimmer first? then bio? carbon? filter sponge? at the moment i am not planning on a fuge i just want fowlr, the bio media will more than likley be rubble. i have read some threads on desings i'm just confused about the order in which my water is filtered, also which test kits to i need what is the main things i will be testing for? salifert has so many just need whats necc. thanks so much for yall help :happyfish


Active Member
my sump is set up as micron prefilter-skimmer, one baffle with a tray for carbon, then my refuguim, and another baffel and the return pump, IMO thats all you really need the micron is the mechanical, the carbon is the chemical, and the LR & LS in the refug and mian tank is the biofilter
if your just doing a fowlr then all you need to test for in ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, ph, calcium, thats what i test for


I don't have a sump myself. You may want to post this in the Equipment and DYI forum.
As far as the salifert test kits they have a basic set that includes ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and I believe ph for about $70 at reefgeek dot somethin or other....
Remember that ammonia will spike first then nitrite then both of those will go down to zero and nitrates will go up. Then you want to do a 10% water change and that brings your cycle to the end.


thanks. does anyone have like a drawing of some sort of their sumps? basically we just need the order in which it will go and about how high the baffles need to be and is live rubble ok in place of a fuge? thanks


thanks arkey what exactly is your filtration if you don't have a sump? yes i have been viewing all the threads i possibly can and what i'm looking for is a step by step complete drawing, i know that there is no one right way but any advice helps...and do you think that 30g sump is large enough? i have tried time and time to get squidd to help me but he wont reply:rolleyes:



Originally posted by shoogieboo
thanks arkey what exactly is your filtration if you don't have a sump? yes i have been viewing all the threads i possibly can and what i'm looking for is a step by step complete drawing, i know that there is no one right way but any advice helps...and do you think that 30g sump is large enough? i have tried time and time to get squidd to help me but he wont reply:rolleyes:

If you do a search for Sumps you'll find many many threads that include pictures of the designs.
The 30gal will be plenty for your sump in my opinion from what I read about them.
What I use on my 55gal, is 50lbs LiveRock and LiveSand, An Emperor 400 for carbon and nitrex and an AquaC Remora Skimmer. Plus I have 2 powerheads in the tank for water circulation.


Active Member
arkey's is probly somewhat sorta like mine "probly diffrent equip but same setup at least"
Live sand and live rock "Bio filtration"
Hang on back Filter I have a penquine 330 I think he has a emporer 400 "same thing basicly" They do Bio filtration Mechanical "filter pads" and chemical "media basket for stuff like carbon and such"
Then a hang on back skimmer to take out extra stuff like amonia and nitrates and fish faste.
With this stuff and a cleanup crew you will have it made and with fish only tanks "on small tanks" some ppl go without the regular filter and use skimmer only or they go without the skimmer and use filter only your decision.
I have 3 powerheads soon to be 4 that will put me in the 25 turnover rate catagory.


Active Member
Well if I were gonna do a sump you could do a fuge also but since I have the hang on back kind later down the road I am just gonna add a fuge. all a fuge is is a place kinda like a second tank but it has live rock to filter and sand or miricle mud and plants of some sort "not corals" and you can place wounded or mean animals there until you can treat them in a QT or sell them. and it is a place for stuff to grow and multiply "like copepods and a place to put young if something breeds in the main tank you can take the babie's out and place in the fuge for safety from predadtors "you will want a fuge for a manderin goby to raise copepods for it"


Active Member
I dont know if you would need a mag 12 most ppl use a mag 9 "but I could be wrong" and you can place a heater in the sump.