questions that need answering(again)


New Member
hi,i only posted a few messages here recently cause i will be getting into salt water fish,but now im got a job at the aqua tropical near my house,so ill be learning 10 times more about fish..still got questions though..
1:the tank ill probably be getting will be a 75-100 gallon tank,probably 100 gal,but not sure,my 1st question is if i want just fish like maybe a couple clown fish,a hippo tang,and what ever else can live with them,is it 100% that i need anemones,live rock,and corals?cause i have read that these fish can live without these things..i know it sounds stupid,but im scared of the anemones eating the fish,lol..dont make fun of me..
2:i know for sure i'd like to get some sort of eel,maybe snowflake,can they live with clowns and a tang?
3:i would like to have 1 big impressive looking fish in the tank,like a center peace type of thing,can someone give me an idea on what breed would be good?
please give me some answers,thanks..


1.You dont "need" Live rock, Anemone, or Coral for either of those fish. Live rock is a definite plus because it helps with the filtration but most of all is the stuff that comes with the LR.....its not telling what you will get as a hitchhiker. If i had my was i would say that the Live Rock is a must.
2.Eels are okay but with them your tank has to be sealed. They get out alot of different ways so unless ur tank is going to be "eel escape proof" then i would say wait on the eel.
3.Have no idea on the big impressive big impressive fish is going to be my Puffer. :)


New Member
yea i hear live rock is good for that,but thats what worries me,i get some creature with the live rock and it ends up eating all my fish! :nope: lol
and when me and my uncle started with fish 14 years ago he bought alot of differint eels and they always ended up getting out,so i wouldnt make the same mistake,lol..
for a minute i thought about getting a lion fish,but then i remembered that there deadly to other fish,so i doubt i can get one to put with what i want..
any more help is welcome


Active Member
You have to be very careful with your eels. Some how mine ended up in my skimmer swimming with all the bubbles...