

New Member
I just noticed yesturday that my domino damsel was flirting with my LTA. I am wondering if he will host it?? I also have a maroon clown in there that I am still waiting to see if he will accept the anemone or not. I haven't identified my anemone yet but here are the charateristics: Purple hue to the tentacles and what looks to be green tips. Around the disc there is some orange and red i guess you can say.. so if some one could help me out there. Also yesturday day morning my LTA spewed a brown ball, now i am hoping that is waste?? thoughts would be appreciated! :notsure:


What color is the column of the anemone and were there any "bumps" shall we say on the column in rows?
It is entirely possible that the damsal could host it.
Lets hope that it was only expelling waste and not zooxanthellae.


New Member
The column has white bumps in rows but more to the top. Now the column it self still has a off white possibly light brown color to it. The Pedal disc is orangish/redish and that color also flows north a bit. My termanology is off but around the mouth that whole face has a definite browish tint to it. Currently it's trying to move to a spot it likes and it keeps inflating and contracting soo i am assuming thats how it moves. Here are some Pictures so you can take a look and give me a better diagnosis. The first picture in the upper left corner.. i tried to get a shot of the stuff it was spewing out! Thanks for the help!



New Member
:help: Alright i just checked the LTA and now its spitting out a chain i guess of that brown stuff and it looks like it's layered in mucus! I think my guy is gonna become bleached soon!! Any thoughts on what to do would help greatly at this point!


Those bumps are called Verruca (wart): In hexamerous anthozoan (anemone or coral), one in a series of muscular, hollow adhesive structures lined with gland cells; often in longitudinal rows along outer surface of column between lines of septum attachment. Ok so they help it to cling to things.
Sounds like a lot of spewing and from the pic its getting whiter, not good.
Lets examine a few things shall we.
How long have you had the anemone?
What exactly in detail is your lighting? PC, VHO, MH? total watts?
What size tank and how long has it been setup?
Have you checked your water paramiters including alkalinity, calcium, pH ave, temp and salinity?
We'll start there and see what we come up with.


New Member
I got the anemone on Sunday 1-22.
I have a PC 260 watt
My tank 55g has been going for about 3 months now
My parameters are good NH3 is O Nitrites O Nitrate O
I don't have the alkalinity or calcium tests
I just did a 10% water change on Monday
temp 80.3
pH 8.2
Salinity 1.025 and i just added some pure water!
I think it might be going inside out now??
What should i do ????


Your tank is still very young and unstable. I would have waited at least 6 months before even attempting an anemone.
With corals and photosynthetic animals like anemones you must be able to keep track of alk and cal.
My parameters are good NH3 is O Nitrites O Nitrate O
Those are not only good they are incredible, at least the last one is, most strive for near 0 nitrates but never get there.
Unfortunatly from the last pic I believe I see the mesenterial filaments coming out, that can't be a good thing at all.
Right now I'd say its acclimation shock, not just the process of getting him into the tank but the two week process getting used to being in the tank. Acclimating to lighting, water chemsitry and your tank as a whole. Something is stressing it out big time for its insides to come out like that.


New Member
I'm idiot I did the beginniers mistake of introducing too soon!!
soo should i chill for a while and see what happens??
And how will i know it's a goner.... just from the smell??


New Member
Now it looks like smoke is coming from the tentacles??? should i get him outta there?? i have a 30 gallon that i use for a quarintine should i put it in there??


New Member
Sadly the guys a ball now and in my quarintine tank probably a goner by the morning....
Well this was a learning experience for me on what not to do! It's gonna be a long time before i try that again I will stick to hardy fish in the mean time.!! Thanks for all your help again Thomas!!