


Unsure.. just thinking to quick..
Guess I should wait.. LOL
Thanks again,


hey nick I am sorry to say that you are listening but not hearing and from your own posts are not being truthful as to what you are saying.
example your lighting these are all taking from your posts mainly on the anemone thread though.
I went and bought 2 55 watt 50/50's

It was stock with a 20 watt hood.. and I changed it to a compact 2x55 watt flourescent bulbs at purchase of tank and equiptment.

(ME-what are the K ratings for the bulbs?)10,000k bulbs

Waiting on some lights.. I was supposed to get 2x55 50/50's from the guy who owns a LFS and lives around the corner to sell it to me (used, but I don't care, as long as it works)
youve got to be truthful when you are posting to get correct responces. I dont mean to slam you or anything like that dude dont take it that way. but if you want good info then be up front with what youve got and dont have so the right info can be posted.
if you dont have lights for the tank DONT add any corals they need more than what a comon flourescent tube light can offer.
hope I dont tik ya off but this is all off what you typ[e yourself I was just going back through the 2 posts and things just werent adding up .
So what exactly do you have and dont have and we can go from there.


At the moment I have a 20 watt hood.. I pre-paid for the 2x55 watt hood.. and it's been almost a month and nothing yet.
I'm going over there tomorrow and see what's up.
If he doesn't have it in, I am going to get my money back.
I was curious if someone had one, because what if he doesn't get it, and i'd have to start looking all over again.
So, I have been asking around.
He said he could give me a new compact 2x55 50/50's for $160..
So, he said it was needed if you wish to add things to your tank, and I asked him if he had any, he said no and said he would order 3 of them. 1 for me and 2 for the store.
I have not heard from him yet, and am shopping around untill I do.
Sorry for any confusion,


Nope Mike, didn't tik me off or offend me in any way.
I'm fine.. just sorry for the confusion. I broke it down for you..


see thats what you should have start with I dont have any lights for the yet but getting them.
this is the problem without the proper light the corals will not make it in the tank.
ex if you have a plant and you place it in a closet with no light its going to die just that simple/ (granted there are a few that do live in the dark LOL)
but with a 20watt light the light spectrom wont really reach to the bottom of the tank. the anemone that you got should not even been thought about till you had the right lights and then a long thought before you got it. thats where the hearing but not listening comes in.
youve got a great resource here but if you dont take heed to whats being said it wont last long. youve got a lot of info in the two main threads youve got going. I know its ruff to wait on things but if you rush and dont do it right to start with then its going to one nasty ride so to speak.
BTW I had 220- watts of PC on my 50 and everything did great might want to think atleast that much light but more is better for most any corals.


I have my eye on a 55 watt compact 10,000K for $35 and a MH 175 5,500K reto-kit for $75+..
But as the people on here say you need at least 110 to grow things in the tank..
I'd really like to spend $35 rather tan $75+, as I havn't got paid in a week and payday come the following week :
The 55 wouldn't be to good for corals then? And I should stop watching it on ----? And be more concerend on the 175 MH?
Thanks again Mike,


Mike, sent you a e-mail.
I have about 20 I bought from LFS, and wondering if I could add some beach sand from the beaches down here in FL..
I was looking to add about 5 more lbs.
Just a thought..


I had 220 PC on my 50 and everything did great but I really
for my 20 I had 2-55 watt PC kits and it did well
that 75$ 5500k bulb kit by the time you get a nother bulb (5500k will cause bad abd bad algae growths) for anohter say 100$ then you have a 2 foot x 2 foot area covered in the tank. so youve just spent 175 dollars on the MH retro that will work. but they can be found cheaper just have to look for them.
the 2-55 watt PC bulbs will cover most commonly offered corals though.
mushrooms LPS leathers polyps the list goes on. basically you still would want to stay away from SOS and clams in this ltype lighting setup.
does that help a little


Helps a ton, thanks.
How much did you pay for you 2x55 PC's?


I wouldnt add anything from the beach to a tank. reason is that there are pulltants and all kinds of other things that are on a beach that could be detrimental to the tank.


for a 220 setup on my 50 was $230 including bulbs and reflectors
for a 110 setup on my 29 was $120 including bulbs and reflectors
both included shipping costs.


$120 doesn't sound too bad at all..
Sent you another e-mail..
Could you e-mail me where you got it from?


Weeee 101'st post :)
Anyways, sent another e-mail Mike.. check it out..


I dont know about the first link to the light setup but i would pass its a 50 watt balast so bulb selection is not going to be very good probably not even get close to the right spectrum.
and the bulbs that you link to is 175watt and wont work on the other ballast if thats what you were looking at doing.


The 50 watt balast comes with a bulb.. and I think the other LFS I go to carry's the 50's.. if they carry them, is it safe to get the 50 MH?
What about compact CF 96 watts? Safe enough to keep soft corals?


they may carry the bulbs but the K rating is where the problem might come in I dont think they make the different K ratings for the 50 watts. I would go higher and get a 175 watt if you were to go MH it will open your choices up without a do I have enough lighting question.
plus unless you put something else with them that still not a lot of light even though its MH.
and 96 watt PC's they are all pretty good if you can fit say 2 96's in then thats better than 2 55 watters.


Nope, no 2x96 will fit unless it is custom made..
One may pop up.. but i'm not seeing any on 3 different websites and ----..
I found 2x55 for $79
Which would be better.. MH 50 watt or 2x55?
P.S. Did you get the other e-mail with a pic of that 15g nano? Is that lighting any good?


I could prolly find a 6,500K light for that 50 watt MH. I'm looking for 6,500K + at the moment..


the PC's would be better than the 50 watt MH.
yeah I saw it and I wouldnt trade or even think about it the reason is that when yougo to a smaller size tank the water is harder to maintain so I would start bigger and get a good grip on whats going on before going to a small tank. but is I remember right its a 32 watt PC on the tank I would prefer more though.
I think with a 29 you would do good to get 2-55 watt PC to go on the tank myself.
and if you get a 6,500k bulbs on the mh they make the hole tank look Yellow if yo udont add some more atinic lighting to go with it