QUICK: Blenny stung by Sebae Anemone!!!


Hey guys, it happened about an hour ago I think. He has been perfectly healthy for over a year and now my anemone is very shriveled up like maybe the blenny fought with him to get away? The midas blenny has strange scarlike markings all down his body but not on his head or his tail, and is having a hard time swimming...but is eating a little. He is breathing very hard and looks stressed. He is also falling to the bottom occasionally to relax and then swimming again. Is there anything that I can do to help him??? Does anyone know the survival rate for these kinds of things?? Thanks a lot, David


I don't think there is much you can do at this point. If he hasn't been stung severely, than he will probably survive.
These types of fish - blennies, mandarins - that perch shouldn't be kept with anemones just for this reason. He picked the wrong place to rest. Sorry your's got stung. I hope it makes it. :(


That's just it, it seems strange to me that he would perch near it because the anemone has been in the same place for the whole 6 months that he has been in there. Seems like he would know where not to go, but I guess everybody makes mistakes and. Hopefully he will recover, but his stings look pretty bad to me. He is still alive after about 2 1/2 hours though, and he did get away from the initial attack, so I guess we will see. I have never heard that blenny's shouldn't kept with anemones, but maybe it is a good idea.
Anybody else have any suggestions???


Oh yeah, does anybody know how long the psuedo-paralytic effect lasts on its victims (that is, if it survives)? He appears to only be slightly affected in that aspect, but I don't know if it is all downhill from here or if it gets worse with time.
Thanks again, David


Well, the blenny made it about two more hours and then died. :( Thanks to those of you that responded. So maybe we can learn a lesson: I have never heard of problems with perching fish being stung and killed, and I do love anemones, but I will think twice now when deciding what fish to keep with it. ;)