Quick filtration questions??


I have a 65 gal reef set up that i am starting to cycle. right now my T5 lights are on there is 50 lbs of live sand. My questions are what kin d of mechanical filtration should I use? Bio balls? E-hime? ECT.. also for my refugium what substrate do you recommend in my other refugeiums i have always had big crushed shells as substrate to create space for bacteria and pods to live and hide, Plus Cheato. but people have been telling me i need to look into mud, and the LFS guy said its technically not a fuge without mud???? what is the deal with mud?? also when should i start my skimmer i have never used one i have a big remora hang on that can be used up to 200 gal. is that over kill?? when should i start it before or after the cycle? before or after LR?? Thanks ill try to put up pics as i get started!!


Originally Posted by Ellingtj
I have a 65 gal reef set up that i am starting to cycle. right now my T5 lights are on there is 50 lbs of live sand. My questions are what kin d of mechanical filtration should I use? Bio balls? E-hime? ECT.. also for my refugium what substrate do you recommend in my other refugeiums i have always had big crushed shells as substrate to create space for bacteria and pods to live and hide, Plus Cheato. but people have been telling me i need to look into mud, and the LFS guy said its technically not a fuge without mud???? what is the deal with mud?? also when should i start my skimmer i have never used one i have a big remora hang on that can be used up to 200 gal. is that over kill?? when should i start it before or after the cycle? before or after LR?? Thanks ill try to put up pics as i get started!!
as for your fuge mud is not a necesity. I have a DSB. About 5-6 inches deep. Most ppl say you don't need mechanical filtration. My setup has a wet/dry built into it. I did it custom. As for the skimmer don't turn it on till after the cycle is done. I also whole def not use crushed coral or shell. A huge trates and waste trap. When you add your live rock the tank will cycle again. Try to get it in sooner than later. Also don't forget your water changes. I really like what I hear about cheato's but I'm sstill waiting for mine to come in mail.