Quick fungus question


Active Member
Fungal infections are pretty uncommon in saltwater fish. Are you sure that's what you're dealing with. FW dips are effective on parasitic infestations. Doubtful it would help if it were actually a fungus.


Staff member
FW dips will not cure anything, let alone a fungas. Can you post a picture?


Sorry I cant get a pic .After catching the fish and looking closer it appears to be a wound. The only one paying attention to the new clown is my yellow tail damsel. I never seen him attack though.I hope the clown finally eats and settles in.......Thanks


Greyish fuzz from a wound could just be necrotic tissue or it could be a secondary infection of some kind. And a damsel would be the most likely candidate for having taken a nip out of him.
I'd get him into a QT tank then maybe dose with something for bacteria and wound healing just to be on the safe side? And tempt him to eat however humanly possible. Being injured, possibly ill, and going that long without eating is going to do the poor guy in!


Can I set up a QT to be used the same day? I have a 2 gallon and can use some live rock/water from the main tank.


I'd think with water and liverock from your main tank you could do that. Test it pretty often to make sure the levels are getting out of control though as they can shoot through the roof overnight in that small a tank which would definitely not be helping this guy!


I'm really sorry to hear it
Fish illnesses and injuries are tough to diagnose and treat. A lot of times in the wild they instinctively know that being weakened makes them prime targets for aggression and predation so their natural defense is to lay low, hide up, and pass up on the food for fear of exposing themselves, just going for what nibbles they can get while staying inconspicuous. Sadly in our home aquariums that too often means that they just get weaker and weaker because our tanks just can't provide the same kind of bounty.
You recognized that there was a problem and sought help so you did good! It's very important for us all to watch our fish, learn all we can about their natural behavior, and take immediate action if there's a problem. You did all you could for the lil guy and just remember that with everything you learned with this experience you'll be better prepared for your next fish!