Quick, ID this hitchhiker. His life is in your hands!


Active Member
Originally Posted by boucherh
Just wanted to add my two cents... I have a pistol shrimp and a goby and they are the coolest thing I have ever seen! It is so cool to watch them work together (the shrimp spends ALL day digging elaborate caves and tunnels in the sand. He never strays far from the goby, as the goby offers protection. The shrimp don't have very good eye site, so the goby helps protect them in exchange for a hole to live in. The goby will perch on the outside of the cave, keeping watch. If he senses trouble, he will signal the shrimp by waving his fins.) I could watch them for hours!
Agreed. Keep the shrimp! He's an awesome (and free) addition to your tank. Don't they cost like $30 normally anyway?


I have a fairly good size PS in my tank, he is BFF with my watch man goby....mines a bullseye PS and the coolest ever, rarely see him when the lights are on, but when i turn off the lights he clicks away and he hasnt bothered any of my other inverts or fish