QUICK is the worth $40



I want to buy it but don't know if it is worth $40 for this size piece?


Active Member
My LFS sells Blasto's for $90 for a 10-15 polyp frag and they are NO WHERE as nice as those. I would buy them in a minute (if of course you have the proper tank parameters which I believe you have from reading other posts of yours). Good luck and let me know when you frag it


Active Member
Yes buy that in a second. There are 10 polyps on that and with good light it will double quickly. SWEET color


Well it's not just $40 is it? It's $40 plus shipping. That adds another $30 to it. Plus when you see things online you never know hat they are going to look like under your light.
That looks real nice though. I would love it in my tank.


Originally Posted by emm0909
Well it's not just $40 is it? It's $40 plus shipping. That adds another $30 to it. Plus when you see things online you never know hat they are going to look like under your light.
That looks real nice though. I would love it in my tank.
it is under the same light as mine Phonix 14K
I got 6 frags so far and his shipping no matter how much I buy is $20 so I think his shipping is very good and he has a wonderful VERY happy track record base so I went with him.
and I bought it thanks GUYS!!!