QUICK!!! please help


Active Member
is that your sump or display tank that this arrow is leading to?(red)What do tubes with the green and yellow arrows pointing to them do?



Originally posted by dburr
Break it up and say "thank you"

If it were my tank, i'd wait till 30 days.

Thank you dburr, I was sickening listening to them...But it didn't do much, So i'll give a little story....Being a teenager I too made his mistake I think....I bought alot of fihs for my 45..And you guessed it, They got ICH...It was downhill from there from clownfish disese to biuld of of chemicals that killed my fish until i got a protien skimmer...But my advise is READ A FRIGGEN BOOK!!!!!


Kids, :rolleyes:
I am surprised that a mod didn't stop this bickering earlier. No matter how wrong someone is, it doesn't justify flaming them on the boards, geesh.


:happyfish Sailfin, right on! I think calling people names is just as bad as swearing on the boards. I've noticed a lot of that coming from the young kids around 15 years old. Wow things have changed since I was a kid. I'm only 25, but I have enough respect for other people not to call them names. I do agree lionfish12 did not listen, and nedlessly killed a lot of fish, to meet his own needs, but it sounds like he is learning, and has decided to go with smaller fish for his size of tank, and is asking us if 20 days for quarantining is too little. If everyone just yells at this poor kid, then he's not going to listen, and not come back to the boards for advice. Everyone just needs to get thier point across a little nicer.
Lionfish 12, you didn't say if you were letting your tank run fallow, or quarantine, or both. If you are quarantining, you need to let your fish be in quarantine for a minimum of 4 weeks after the last signs of ick. For letting a tank run fallow, you wanna do that for 4 weeks as well. Don't rush it, you've waited this long. Good luck with the ick, ali


Yah and they didnt essentially die from ich. They got ich for a reason. I think you should have originally posted in the disease forum. And please dont ever ask a question again if you are going to correct your criticism. You obviously didnt take it very well.