Quick ponderment on....


Quick ponderment...
I have three tanks. 125, 42, and 25. I was going to convert the 42 gallon tank from fresh water to salt water. I want to do a coral tank but I have never done that type of tank before.
My question is would it be better if I made the 125 gal (already salt) into the coral reef tank with the coral safe fish or leave it the way it is?
The stock in the tank is
1 Powder Blue Surgon
2 Maroon Clowns
2 Clarkii Clowns
6 Snails
and 1 late foxface fish
My second question is, If I do make the switch will the fish be happy in a smaller tank? I would keep the two maroon clowns in the reef tank. I wouldn't be able to split the other 3 up. They are buddys. Wherever one is the other 2 are right there. Anyways I know that the surgon won't go well in a coral tank so I dont know where to put them.
Oh the other tank is a 42gal hex.
Do you guys have any ideas for the tanks or ideas on the best way to start the reef tank. I have done a lot reading and research, but I hate putting money into something and having not work out because I rushed things.
Thanks for the help


Active Member
I would convert the 125, but you will have to leave the powder blue in the 125 because none of your other tanks are big enough for it.
What type of substrate do you have currently?
What type of filtration system do run?
How much LR do you have?
What types of Corals do you want to Keep (this determines what type of lighting you will need.


I have a 1 1/2" of sand, and with that there is 3/4" of the white carbon rocks.
There is no live rock.
I run 3 filters
2 EHEIM Canister filters one on each side
1 Back hanging trickle filter
There are so many of them it is hard to choose
Button coral
some of the stoney corals.
Euphyllia glabrescens
They are all so different that I dont know what would go best with each other and if the Surgeon would go well with them


Active Member
Here is what I would recommend for a reef tank,
1. a LS bed it is up to you whether you want to do a DSB or not.
2. Lots of LR, I would go with 2lbs per gallon (to save on expense you can use base rock or make some agrocrete and seed it with LR.
3. Sump with a good protien skimmer and refugium with macro algae.
4. a Metal halide lighting system,
5. If you are wanting to keep SPS and clams you may want a calcium reactor.
Powder blue's are considered reef safe, most people do want a low bioload in a reef so minimal fish are kept.