i am considering getting one with my clean up crew but i have seen that they are more for a well established tank, is this true? should i wait awile or go ahead and get it?
thanks for the input
Do you have many pods yet? That's what feather dusters eat. If you get one and don't have many pods, you will need to suppliment the tank with a plankton replacement.
I moved my live rocks around and my hitchhicker -- the worm that lives in that feather duster abandoned his post. WIll it be building another tube, featherish thingy?
Don't mean to steal your thread!!
Mine is fine also. Had him in with the clean up crew. I have noticed some of his feathers laying around on the sand. I guess he threw a few. Hes growing them back though. I have plenty of pods but i add 1ml of phytoplankton a week to keep him happy.