quick question about flatworms (quick help would be apreciated ^_^)


Ok... I was lookin at my Xenia today, and i noticed a couple of pinkish, alsmot transparent flatworms. they are pretty much the same color as my xenia so I guess they were on it... what do i do with them? leave em? are they bad? Are they going to eat my xenia? (they werent ON the xenia but no the same rock as it...
Also, what are good ways of gettin rid of em if i have to? suckin em out with a turkey baster isnt always easy...


You can remove them with "Flatworm Exit"
I don't think they eat coral. I think they eat your pod population.


no but they will absoloutly take it over the same thing happened to me only i didnt do any thing quick enough so now i have a whole little town of flatworms livin in my tank, they cover rocks the glass everything, and it doesnt look very appealing so if i was you i would buy some flatworm exit, its liek 20 25 bucks and jsut get rid of um....p.s. be sure to do a water chage after u use the medicine


ah ok... i think i might have killed em while trying to remove them but ill see if I cant find anymore... I dont really want to use med's in my tank.... specially since its only 24 gal...
I might pick up a sixline wrasse since i hear they take care of em... or a nudi that eats em.
Like I asked before, what negartive effects could Flatworm Exit have on my tank?


Active Member
Its also possible to reduce or keep the populaitn of flat worms in check by suckng them out with a turkey bsater. I have had flatworms for a long time, an dabout nce a month may sit down and suck out what I see, but so far they have not become what I would call a plague or problem. If yu do go the Flatworm Exit, make sure you have activated charcoal on hand as once killed they do put off a heap of toxins in the water. I view flatworms the same as I view bristleworms and aipstasia....its all part and parcel fo the undersea world and itf its not causing a problkem don;t mess with it.
OH, flat worms like bright light more than moderate light as well, so you may find them clustered up more in the brighter areas, which makes it a lot easier to suction out. Odds are though for everyone you see there is 10 you don't.


ah ok... perfect... I saw 3 of em, i caught 2 last night, but seeing how i didnt get any responses I dumped em back in...i think i killed them in the process.. but maybe not.
Honestly, i dont like the look of a bristleworms but these guys... for some reason I find em kinda cute... so as long as they dont cause trouoble or become too many Ill let em be... im guessin a fish that eats bristleworms will also go for these guys, so as soon as I add the fairy wrasse i want they should be under control...
But ill keep my turkey baster ready too.. thanx!