Quick Question: Lion & puffer ICK


New Member
I have a fish only tank with a Volitan and a Dog face puffer. It seems they have come down with ick. I have heard that Lion's don't take copper. What is the best way to treat my tank? HYPO?
I appreciate anyone's help on this.


New Member
I have a 75 gallon, with only a puffer and a Volitan in it. I have a QT tank just set up (just finished cycling). I just need to know can the Lion take the copper. And what should the dosage be? and what is the best copper treatment out there.
Thanks Again


New Member
Update: Did a 10 minute Dip with the lion. It doesn't look as if it did anything. Could this be velvet? Eyes on the Lion are extremely cloudy to the point I don't think he can see. This has come very fast on both puffer and lion (over 3 days) Should I Dip again and add Formalin to it?
Any help would be appreciated.


Staff member
If your tank is strictly fish only, hyposalinity can be done right in your main tank. You must have very reliable salinity measurement, however. Which means absolutely no swing arm hydrometers. You should invest in a refractometer, which you can get online for $70. Otherwise, get a high quality glass hydrometer.
Ok, I'll post the hypo treatment again:
O.S.T. stands for Osmotic Shock Therapy which is commonly referred to in the hobby as hyposalinity [water that is deficient in sea salt]. Essentially, O.S.T. simply places the infectors [Cryptocaryon parasite---ick/ich] in an environment in which they cannot survive while the host, (or infected fish) can. This remedy WILL NOT work in reef systems, invert tanks or FOWLR as it incorporates lowering the specific gravity of the entire system to 1.009 Specific Gravity which is not tolerated by inverts or LR.
To drop the salinity, this is done as you would do a normal water change. However, you are simply replenishing your tank with fresh RO/DI water---not salt water! Monitor the lowering closely so as to not reduce it too fast. Usually over a period of 48 hours is fine. The bacteria colony which is the biological support for your tank will survive, the fish will be perfectly fine, but the ich will not. By lowering the salinity, you will also be lowering the osmotic pressure of the water. Boney fish tolerate this treatment very well, in fact, once the water become hyposaline, you will likely note a significant improvement in your fish health and appetite. There is no reason to fear this treatment. You can do a water-change out, in small increments every half hr or so.
Your goal is to drop the specific gravity to 1.009 [48-hrs] gradually. Once all signs of the parasite are gone, then keep your fish in this hypo-saline water for 3-4 wks. If all is well, then you can gradually [over the course of 4-5 days] bring the specific gravity [salinity] back up to normal levels . If all is well after a week, then return the fish to their main tank.
When the fish are eating, offer them quality and varied food soaked in garlic, zoe/zoecon, vitamin C.