QUick Question: Night light

Yes... Most of your inverts do most of their work at night. If you had lunar lights you could see all the work they do when the light is turned off. Plus its the natural cycle of the day. Its more healthier for the fish and you tank. If you have corals then this is necessary for growth. Too much light for long periods of time can burn them up. Esp if you have corals that are really sensitive. 10hrs is a good time frame... IMO. There are some ppl who have spent tons of money into their lights, so that it can simulate night, sunrise, day, and sunset. IMO it is a good thing to do. I even do it with my Freshwater fish. Plus it saves energy and money!


Active Member
i never used to use moonlights, until just recently. i do agree that the corals have acted differently since i have put the moonlights in the schedule. i don't know about a growth spurt, but they seem happier.
i use one of these over my 200, and point it up towards my reflectors(it's very bright)


Thanks X. Now i am really looking forward to hunt for a moon light. problem is the good ones (branded) are SUPER expensive and i was thinking of DIY.......im trying to find info on the web see if moonlight requiers specific needs......or....do you know?


Originally Posted by mojohoojo
Thanks X. Now i am really looking forward to hunt for a moon light. problem is the good ones (branded) are SUPER expensive and i was thinking of DIY.......im trying to find info on the web see if moonlight requiers specific needs......or....do you know?
Not to thread jack, but ill be posting these in the classifieds in the next couple days. Mine are the 4 blue LED strip 1 watt each. PM or email me mike27t@yahoo.com if youre interested. Selling cause my new lights arrive today and they have built in moonlights.