Quick question on cycling with a Shrimp


It's been a week and my uncured live rock isn't kicking out any ammonia. So, I bought the frozen cocktail shrimp figuring I could use one to cycle my tank and hubby could eat the rest.
Unfortunately, I forgot the key word which is "raw". Will a cooked and frozen cocktail shrimp work also, or should I pick up a raw one?


I'm no expert on cycling with shrimp (I use Damsels,) but I would say a cooked one is fine because all you're wanting it to do is decay and spike the ammonia.


Thanks for the input. I just don't know if the fact that it's cooked will make it take longer to decompose.
Anyone else have any ideas?


Active Member
I'm not sure if you should use it... I dont' know if they are cooked in butter or anything that might harm the fish. We picked up a pretty small quantity and I used 2 in my 30g - it sure kick started the NH3. You could always throw whats left and a couple other goodies in a food processor and freeze it for fish food :yes: .
Check out Beths sticky in the disease forum. It's towards the bottom on one of the stickies, has a picture of a food processor.


Yeah, I think I will go back and get some raw ones just to be safe. Hubby is happy, he didn't want to part with even one to throw in the tank anyway! lol.
I was already feeling silly about asking for 1 shrimp at the seafood counter, so thanks great idea for the leftovers. I will definately check out the sticky for making fish food.



Originally posted by AlohaMI
Yeah, I think I will go back and get some raw ones just to be safe. Hubby is happy, he didn't want to part with even one to throw in the tank anyway! lol.
I was already feeling silly about asking for 1 shrimp at the seafood counter, so thanks great idea for the leftovers. I will definately check out the sticky for making fish food.

Actually asking for just one shrimp is preety entertaining, that's what I did and got a few weird looks from the two clerks behind the counter and when they stopped laughing and trying to figure out how to wrap them they gave me two for free.


That's the exact situation I'm trying to avoid! lol.
So did you carry them out in your pocket or what?


I've gotten my shrimp at Wal Mart...when I ask for two shrimp, the clerk says "Two pounds"? ANd I say "No, two pieces".....
so yeah you get some funny looks and questions.
but hey, it's all in good fun.:jumping:


rofl Yes I went into the supermarket lastnight I just got done setting up my tank, and asked for 2 raw shrimp, the clerk asked me... 2? I said yeah... he said that was a wierd amout to ask for... low budget he asked.. I said.. no starting my saltwater tank... then he was like... Ohh now I see, a guy was just in here and asked me for a clam to lower his PH... lol



Originally posted by AlohaMI
That's the exact situation I'm trying to avoid! lol.
So did you carry them out in your pocket or what?

Yup, Just wrapped it up in plastic wrap, bought a candy bar and out the door I went.



That is too funny. That could have been fun to explain to security...
"Honest...they gave them to me!" (at least you had the guys at the seafood counter to back your story up)
Actually, I don't know what would have been funnier, getting caught with two raw shrimp in your pocket or actually paying for them!


We're not entirely sure. That's what we've been trying to figure out, but we got off subject a little bit. :)
Like Pyro said, I guess the main concern is what it may have been cooked in. If it was cooked in butter or seasoned at all, you wouldn't want it in your tank.
My thought was that since it was cooked it may take longer to decompose, so it would take longer for the ammonia to kick in. I would think with a raw shrimp, it would break down pretty fast so the ammonia would show up right away.
Questions for you zenway9, what was your experience using the cooked shrimp? Are you still in process of cycling? Did it take awhile for the ammonia to start to show up?


I agree that using cooked shrip could be hazardous to you fish and tank. Even if the fish was just boild there is a good chance that the pot used for boiling is contaminated. I dont know much so I am just guessing. Just some input, and good luck with your journy!


well, there's the thing...if the shrimp was boiled, wouldn't the water be cleansed of impurities? it was a boiled cocktail shrimp that i put in.
my experience is this, after a week it had the fuzzy bubble around it, so i poked at it with my net and it disintegrated into nothing. after 9 days my numbers are looking good. they are posted in my other long thread (newbie with a 50 gallon tank). the ammonia has started dropping and my ntrites have started to come up and my nitrates have come up to 5.0...seems about normal, right?


another thing,
my water seems way too clean. when i say this i mean that there seems to be no diatoms forming yet. does this just happen overnight?


Good point about the boiling. As it's going, hubby will have them all eaten before I get ready for it, so might as well go with the raw anyway. lol.
Yes, your water parameters sound about right. I'm not really sure on the diatom bloom. To my understanding, it can just happen all of a sudden. It's probably just a matter of time. :)


so using the cooked cocktail shrimp won't work, even though my numbers appear to be somewhat normal? i guess maybe i should try to start over with a raw shrimp?
i am curious now as to what i should do now?