quick question on fresh


actually u dont need bottled water. U can just use a low dosage stress coat and dechlorinater. Most low power stuff is like 5 drops per gallon so it should be ok. Just let it sit for at least 24 hours before adding it.


i agee with the stress zyme . stress coat.. they are all the same.. my suggestion to you is just get a new five gallon bucket that have never been used before.. fill with water and add stress coat or pretty much any other declorinizer.. and just let it sit for the twenty four hours.. you should also probaly do this with your water changes to.. also another idea for a bottom feeder / cleaner is shrimp.. not like the saltwater one.. they some up her for like 26 cents each and they are peacefull bottom feeders.. and they were right with the pleco in a five i forgot you had a five gallon.. as for adding the fish it will depend on how many.. general rule is one iinch of fish per gallon.. so i would say five small would be fine.. start with your cheapest fish first.. get 2 and after a week if they are ok i would get the rest...


well i guess its time for u to pick yur fish now. I think some tetras would be cool. I have glo-lites lemons, and neons and i like th 4eglo-lites the best by far.


i dont really know what i want, except i want colorful hardy fish.. i have well water so i dont think i need declorinizer right ? should i hook up a air pump in the waterchange like i do with my the waterchange for my saltwater ? i think i will go wednesday and get a couple of fish.. thanks again everybody


well water... sounds good.. but you should still use stress coat.. just to make shure there are no other chemical is your water.. plus it will help the fish when you get them.. as for the air.. i have never done that with my freshwater tanks.. as for colorfull fish i would suggest gubbies they are colorfull but you may end up with a million of them.. maybe go to aggressive tanks and get like one ciclid on another fish.. you could also get away with angels.. but with both of those you will limit your number of hish as they are larger fish.. myself i am finnaly down to two tanks.. :for now: on fresh and one salt.. my suggestion to use is either gold fish.. lol.. gubbies.. neon tetras those are always cool.. or mollys al relativly easy to take care of and cheap..



Originally posted by tiggerguy
well water... sounds good.. but you should still use stress coat.. just to make shure there are no other chemical is your water.. plus it will help the fish when you get them.. as for the air.. i have never done that with my freshwater tanks.. as for colorfull fish i would suggest gubbies they are colorfull but you may end up with a million of them.. maybe go to aggressive tanks and get like one ciclid on another fish.. you could also get away with angels.. but with both of those you will limit your number of hish as they are larger fish.. myself i am finnaly down to two tanks.. :for now: on fresh and one salt.. my suggestion to use is either gold fish.. lol.. gubbies.. neon tetras those are always cool.. or mollys al relativly easy to take care of and cheap..

Most cichlids get too big for a 5gallon.
Also, fancy goldfish (not the 20 cent feeders) should be kept in a tank that gives 15-20g per fish. They're very dirty... they produce a LOT of ammonia, so the bigger the tank, the better. I had one in a 10g, and had to do 25% water changes every week, and change the filter media every month religiously.
I'm personally going to check into some glo-fish for my unused 10g. Just plain zebra danios, genetically enhanced to glow. I saw some at a pet store about an hour away and was amazed. They're very hardy and they stay small, so you could put about 5 of them in your mini-bow, and maybe a small cory for the algae.
Just be faithful on your water changes with that small of a tank. I'd say 10-15% a month or 5-10% bi-weekly.


Active Member

Originally posted by fishy411
whoah! i dont think they are that much less sensitive. try a water change once a month. Maybe like 1 gallon. I usually vacuum about half of the gravel and that is pretty much the water i need. frshies ar enot invincible but merely hardy although neon tetras are apain especially in a new tank. If u need any help email me at dsacks@strategic-data.com right now i have 2 tanks. a 10 and a 55. The 10 is actually doing pretty good. My biggest piece of advice is dont place any fake plants or ornaments in low flow areas. They get covered with crap. U should add fish every 2-3 weeks. U dont have to wait very long between fish if u only get 1 or 2 each time.
BigSteve- i think u have a chinese algae eater. Im pretty sure the siamese are the peaceful ones. Jacknjill fix me if im wrong
also Dont buy a Pleco. There are no small ones that should be in a 5 or even a10. U can get otos which clean just as good and are not poop machines.

opps did i not mention that i vacum sections of the gravel every month and replace the water?


yeah ciclids can get big.. but usualy if you buy small ones they will not out grow the size of the tank.. and as for the gold fish i figured he would not go with that idea.. and as for the glow fish yeah that is a a good idea i never thought about.. there are many different colors you can get with that to.. and goldfih are very dirty i know that.. never realy kept them cept when i fed them to oscar..
your best bet is just go to the petstore and see what you would like best.. because after all you have to look at it everyday not us


well a very good hardy fish is the platy although in a month or two u will have some 200 platies ( they breed like guppies). Tiggerguy it is not really good to stun tthe growth of a fish. I agrre with just getting what u like. Unfortunately in a 5 gallon u are pretty limited but there are lots of tetra's out there that fit in a 5 gallon.


My guppies seem to just eat their babies.. I have a 5g freshie with a pair of guppies and a catfish of some sort (small kind only gets bout 1/2 an inch) I know my guppies are breeding but I never see a baby.. never ever not even one. I guess its a good thing cuz I don't have anywhere to put the bigillion babies that would be there if they didn't gobble them up.. :rolleyes: If I didn't have my guppies I would've probably gotten a small school of Tetras or Danios...


u need a tank bigger than 5 gallons. U need at least 6 danios ( suggested.). I have a pair in my 55 and theyre happy and active.


wow, i never got this many replies to one of my saltwater questions, lol
i wasnt able to get any fish yesterday becasue of the weather but i hope to soon.. i liked the school of tertras idea but i would need atlest 6 huh, bummer.. would they stay together all the time...


actually u dont need six. In my 10 gallon i have 1 neon, 2 glolites , and 2 lemons. U could do like 3 of one kind and 2 of another and i am pretty sure they would be ok. i doubt they would stay together all the time bcuz most fish only school when there is a possible threat in the tank like bigger fish.