quick question


I am curious.. I just purchased a nice size fazia, and have it in my tank.. I believe that it will be fine where I have placed it, but I also was thinking about moving it higher up in the tank to take advantage of some more light..My question is this -
Because of the stem on the base of the favia I have seen pics of them perched on what look to be pvc tubes.. Is that all it really is? or is it some special plastic? I realize this is probably a ridiculous question, but I dont want to do something wrong.
Also, what sort of flow would you suggest? Thanks in advance
OH, 1 last thing.. How aggressive is this coral? I have read mixed opinions, some saying that it is CRAZY aggressive and others that just warn about "feelers" that come out at night?


Yes just regular PVC is fine as for the flow I am not sure is the coral a Favia or is fazia right spelling not heard of that one .If favia they like high flow lots of light


I would give it 4 inches or so space for at night the have feeder come out which I do believe they sting coral I would recommend getting a good coral book for they help with placement / flow etc and you can research prior to buying corals I wish I knew the name of the one I have but there are alot of great ones


Cool thanks.. Yeah, I didnt research this piece as much as I usually do, but my LFS had it really cheap because it arrived slightly damaged but healthy. Thanks!